

Fuse is a Manchester-based collective uplifting underrepresented creatives.

Beginning as part of a final-year university project in Manchester 2019, Fuse now has a growing network of creatives across the world — aiming to represent and empower creatives from underrepresented backgrounds.


What we do

Fuse showcases creativity from around the world; uplifting creatives by highlighting their practice, story, and work.

We have multiple directories forming lists of creatives from cities like Manchester, Leeds, and Birmingham – all showcasing people of colour. We also put the spotlight on artists over on Instagram, share opportunities, and outside the digital space, we run events – collaborating with creatives to bring panels, workshops, and talks.

We’ve worked with the likes of: Seesaw, HOME, Manchester International Festival, TCTLE, Creative Lives In Progress, Pechakucha Manchester, Birmingham Design Group, Bad Form Review, Do That Thing, Design Manchester, Spark & Co, Redeye The Photography Network, Short Supply, UP Projects, BIMA, Huckletree, The Yard Manchester


Who we are

Jaheed Hussain

Jaheed is the founder of Fuse, having established the platform in early 2019 as part of his final-year project during University. He’s also a freelance graphic designer who’s into visual identities, typography and loves working with words.

Zaynah Chandia
Team Member

Zaynah is a recent graphic design graduate based in Manchester that specialises in illustration and editorial work. Inspired by her perceptions of the world, visual and intangible, as well as how she can communicate through her art. Zaynah’s very open to new concepts and ideas that domino into solid, contemporary design work. She’s joined Fuse’s team to help run in-person events in the future.


Lydia Hooke
Team Member & Photographer

Lydia is a multi-disciplinary designer who recently graduated from Sheffield Hallam.

She values the significance of communication and connecting with people and aims to reflect this in her work. She particularly likes to work in graphic design and photography but is always keen to develop and expand into other areas. 

Michelle Murray
Team Member

Michelle is a Visual Designer from sunny Manchester. When she’s not designing, you can find Michelle at creative networking events or rock climbing, preferably in the sun with friends. 



Creative Review
Creative Boom
It’s Nice That
Shado Mag
Design Week
Lazy Oaf: Black Lives Matter resource
MarvelApp: Black Lives Matter resource
Digital Arts

Our Current Partnerships

Content Partnership: Creative Lives In Progress

Creative Lives In Progress is an inclusive creative careers resource, on a mission to transform the way emerging talent access the industry - we’ve teamed up to share content across our networks to make sure no-one misses out. (Formerly Lecture in Progress)

creativelivesinprogress.com & @_creativelives

Chapter Partnership: Birmingham Design & Fuse Birmingham

Birmingham Design is an organisation dedicated to supporting the city’s budding creative community. From organising events to connecting designers with people that matter, their mission is to help the West Midlands become the creative powerhouse it deserves to be. They are also the people behind the annual Birmingham Design Festival, inviting over 10,000 to witness local creativity and events.

birminghamdesign.co.uk & @bhamdsgn

Chapter Partnership: Pechakucha Manchester & Fuse Manchester

Pechakucha is a series of inspiring talks from inspiring people in the 20x20 format. 20 images, 20 seconds per image. Our Manchester chapter of Fuse is partnered up with Pechakucha Manchester to support and provide events for the creative community.
